5. Significance Of Relativity Theory

Faster than light travel is a controversial subject. If craft is traveling at a speed increasing towards the speed of light, then the time travel corresponding to the craft gets slower. At last, this time corresponding to the craft gets stopped when the craft started traveling at the speed of light and it gets started moving towards the future. This was the first concept of time travel based on the special relativity theory. According to special relativity anything that could travel faster than light would move backward in time. As the same time, special relativity states that this would require infinite energy.

But not only that, Space-time is like a flat surface and when it is curved it may be possible to create a wormhole that connects one part of space-time to another allowing us to go forward and backward in time. It was the concept of time wrapped fields, in which the time dimension used in space-time get shortened by curving the hyper surface space. Time wrapped fields uses energy within curvatures of space-time around a rotating mass or energy field to generate containable and controllable fields of closed-time-like curves that can move matter and information forward or backward in time.

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A Wormhole is a theoretical passage through space-time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. In a wormhole, you will be teleported through the 'Time Tunnel' when your craft goes at the speed of light in it and the moment it goes slower than the speed of light, it will exit the Tunnel and comes out from the wormhole at a very distant place or another universe (if exists) within a short span of time. A wormhole is not really a means of going back in time, it's a shortcut, so that something that was far away is much closer. Wormholes are mathematically predicted by the theory of general relativity, but none have been discovered to date. Entering a wormhole is 50 to 60 times more dangerous than a black hole.

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