4. Einstein's Mass-Energy Equivalence Equation

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The theory of special relativity explains how the space and time are linked for objects that are moving at a consistent speed in a straight line. One of its most famous aspects concerns objects moving at the speed of light. Simply considering, as an object approaches the speed of the light, its mass becomes infinite and it is unable to go any faster than light travels.
Image result for mass energy conversion by using einstein equation  Image result for nuclear explosion by using einstein equation
Einstein's equation E= mc2 , in which E represents units in energy, m represents unit in mass and c is the speed of light. It is mass-energy equivalence formula that explains anything having a mass has an equivalent amount of energy and vice-versa. it shows that energy and mass are interchangeable. It also explains under right conditions, how matter can become energy and how energy can become matter. It also explains how energy can be released in stars and nuclear explosions.
